We had such a fun-filled day at Hatton Country World's Pumpkin Spooktacular! It’s definitely a whole day outing as there is just so much to do!

The Pumpkin Spooktacular includes:
Bewitching trailer ride
Pumpkin patch (free pumpkin per child)
Fancy dress competition
Magic & mayhem illusion show
Pumpkin carving
Zombie marsh
Falconry show
Haunted house
Pumpkin hunt
As well as soft play, bouncy castles, fair rides, sandpits, outdoor play equipment, animal feeding, gold panning, trampoline beds, JCB track and so much more!
Having never been before, we first had a look around. Everywhere is so beautifully decorated with pumpkins and hay bales at every corner. There are so many great photo opportunities to get perfect Halloween photos. We waited for the bewitching trailer ride which took you around the farm land with halloween decorations and a performance from an actress dressed as Winifred Sanderson from Hocus Pocus. During the tractor ride, actors dressed as zombies emerge from behind trees and within the grass chasing after the trailer and banging on the trailer sides with a pretend axe. I would say if you have children who don’t like Halloween or would find this scary, I would definitely miss this part out. There were quite a few children crying on the trailer ride and I think if there was more information available on what the bewitching trailer ride would have involved then this could have been avoided.
The falconry show was great. Jason was very informative and really got all the children involved and answered all of their questions. We then went to see the rest of the animals. There are lots of farm animals that you can feed, reptiles, and guinea pigs that you can stroke. Elijah loved the chickens and seeing the little piglets. Elijah then spotted the JCB track with all the ride-on, pedal diggers. He enjoyed riding round the track and going up and down the ramp.
We then went to the build and play sandpit. Elijah would have stayed here all day if he could. He enjoyed digging up the sand and using the different sand moulds. His new favourite word being “ta-da” every time he successfully made a star out of sand. His expression was just priceless.
We then went to the pumpkin field to pick our very own pumpkin. There were just so many to choose from! Elijah found his pumpkin in no time and proudly presented his pumpkin voucher to the staff member who put it in a green bag for him. I’d recommend picking the pumpkin last especially if you’re picking a few pumpkins as they are heavy to carry around.
All in all, we had a great day despite the ever-changing British weather. I’d definitely recommend going from opening at 10am, as we were there from 12 until closing and had to miss the Haunted House and the Magic and Mayhem Illusion Show. The tickets are on the more expensive side but is definitely worth it for how much is included. We will definitely be returning in the summer.
Disclaimer: Gifted tickets but all views expressed are my own.